Download fan made scrap mechanic maps
Download fan made scrap mechanic maps

When it starts moving down, walk to the left and drop into the space, getting over to the far side where you'll be safe from the block. Each block will move in the following pattern down, left (along the slope), upwards and then back to the right. You start at the top, landing on the block. They move in a square-ish formation within the boundaries of the space on the left, which is sloped at the bottom. There's one on each route, so there's no escaping them unfortunately, and you need to work out the correct pattern of movement in order to get past each block.

#Download fan made scrap mechanic maps series#

In Act 1, there are four instances of these rather imposing sections whereby long mesh blocks threaten to crush you as you attempt to move past them through a stacked series of internal corridors. Remember that Sonic's speed is reduced underwater, and he'll run out of air in 30 seconds, so keep topping him up, using the large bubbles that emerge from the bubble clusters. There's a long, entirely submerged section that occupies most of the main path, so you'll need to make lots of stops for air. Of course, lets not forget about the immense supply of water too, this time grimy and purple. The main route leads you a long way around the stage, going anti-clockwise in a large circle, so there are several places where you can cut corners. The entrance and exit are actually quite close to each other, positioned in the top/middle of the map. As before, you just need to try and navigate your way through them and pass the traps, though this time there are tonnes of hidden shortcuts to discover, thanks to the unique layout. Same rocky pathways and steps, creating an intricate series of tunnels that lead in all directions. The third act is completely different, and instead follows the same structural pattern as the Labyrinth Zone, in addition to looking like it, and containing the same features. Act 2 has nine ledges, and this time you'll find the exit passage at the bottom. All of the routes lead into this section at different points, but in Act 1, you need to make your way upwards on the five ledges. Both acts end with a series of thin mesh ledges across a large vertical passage, positioned on alternate sides so that you can climb them up or down. Even though the ground mass is very solid and chunky, beware of bottomless pits right at the start of Act 1, and a large open area where you can fall to your death towards the end, though Act 2 is perfectly stable in this respect. The road surfaces in both are all basic and flat, save for some regular gentle slopes, which are most noticeable in the cramped corridors. This act also loops vertically, so if you take a transport tube at the bottom of the map, you may seamlessly arrive at the top, even though it'll appear as if you've gone downwards. By contrast, Act 2 has two main routes, but they alternate between long left and right stretches of enclosed passages. The paths in Act 1 all lead in a dead-set right direction, piled up vertically, and they break up into three, and eventually four different routes. Being based outside, Act 1 is naturally more open, and there are no enclosed ceilings at the top of the stage, unlike the internal factory of Act 2. Some take you through small, very enclosed corridors that contain one deadly trap after the other, and then there are more open spaces, demanding expert timing from your platform hopping abilities. Quite a large, long level, and Acts 1 and 2 have several different routes across them.

Download fan made scrap mechanic maps